Argyll and Bute: Cutting the Most Vulnerable: Part 2


Argyll and Bute: Cutting the Most Vulnerable: Part 2

Argyll andBute: Cutting the Most Vulnerable: Part 2


Two Points that are New (new information to us) are:

  1. The proposals (as predicted in our last article) are now missing from where they were on Argyll and Bute Councils Websites. But don’t worry Argyll and Bute – We saved a copy for everyone. You can download them here Service Choices Report – Appendix 1-1
  2. The reason I couldn’t get the Minutes from the Proposals meeting was because there weren’t any. (Let that sink in – We’re meant to be a democratic country).

3.     These proposals were hatched in secret by 12 of the 36 councillors.

The group that they formed was NOT a committee of the council and no papers were published nor minutes produced. (Michael Breslin was one of the 24 councillors kept in the dark.  More detailed exploration into this story can be found on (This is Michael Breslin’s Website and actually gives you an insight into how underhanded this entire omnishambles has become)..

It should also be noted that SNP was in that room, part of that group (I wouldn’t be doing my duty to you if I didn’t tell you that – its not exactly making me sing inside but you guys need to know that I don’t mind being uncomfortable about this)… Iain MacLean, Sandy Taylor, Gordon Blair and Richard Trail.

And as for  6 others…..we’ll have you soon they were Dick Walsh (Independent), Gary Mulvaney (Conservative),  Roddy McCuish (Independent), Robin Currie (Liberal Democrats), Ellen Morton (Liberal Democrats) & Aileen Morton (Liberal Democrats). We’re missing 2 (should be noted that these names have came from 3 sources now…always missing the same two). It’ll be sorted soon. (Ammended Data: The missing names are from Trade Unions)

Action Points (Which I promised in the first article[1] are now ready):

  1. FIRST: There is an OPEN PUBLIC meeting about this on the 8th of October.

Anyone that can go – SHOULD GO. It is a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee of Argyll and Bute Council on Thursday 8th of October. 

(Goodluck, btw, in trying to find Information to Attend. We had to seriously dig through and here is what we have)[2]


Thursday, 8 October 2015 10:30 am, Policy and Resources Committee


Ironically if you have one of the 100s of jobs they are proposing to cut – I doubt you’ll be able to attend at 10.30am on Thursday but try and find someone who can.

  1. You can’t attend – its NOT over. If you wish to Lobby (write, tell them you are not happy and demand they do something) your MP: These are the people you are looking for (don’t worry should that page go down – I’ll very helpfully re-upload it for them on my site)


If you are not from Argyll and Bute Council – you’re probably thinking “This doesn’t affect me”. Actually it does. If they pull this off and successfully cut these services in Argyll and Bute – it will set a precedence and what started off as a stand against one council will open out into every Council. Don’t make all of our lives a misery by NOT taking a stand. WRITE to your MSP, your Party, Make this an Issue – Let EVERYONE know what is happening here and why it matters.


[1] You will notice that this is the first time in our history that we have ever written a part two to an article (previous article detailing some of the proposals available here ) but THAT is how bad this story is becoming.

[2] (if this page goes missing – let us know and we’ll upload it here)

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